Casey’s acoustic voice and Ryan’s drums are thoughtfully paired with chosen electronics, an array of effect pedals and other sounding objects in the exploration of nuanced sound worlds and explosive possibilities. Their energy is engaging as they navigate, layer, and overlap free improvised and conceptual sounds in the creation of everchanging soundscapes. Sophisticated sound masses, rhythmical deconstruction, and multifaceted textures grow and take form, some routed through a web of electronics that enhance, distort and/or transform these in active interaction.
Casey Moir (AU/SE) – voice/efx
Ryan Packard (UK/SE) – drums/percussion
Klubb 19 serveras från 19.30-22.00.
Lokal: Slottsgatan 19, Västerås.
Tid: Klubb ifrån 19.30 artister på scen: 20.00
Entré: 120kr, studerande 100kr. (inkluderar medlemsavgift)
Entré för medlemmar: 100 kr / studerande 80 kr
Medlemsavgift: 20kr/år
Medlemmar som är 18 år eller yngre får alltid fri entré!